Choosing fabric for your next quilt

I have been reading the  Virtual Quilts Real Comfort blog where Judy writes about making quilts to give away for comfort and charity. ….. she says “make my virtual designs into real comfort for those in need” and provides links to patterns, and groups who welcome quilt donations.

She also provides her own patterns for charity purposes with the only payment requested being a photograph of the quit and acknowledgement of the pattern source (read the copyright page on her blog for details).

The post that particularly caught my eye this time was about contrast and colour considerations when choosing fabrics for a quilt.

One of the photos in Judy’s article about using contrast when choosing fabrics for your quilt

Judy wrote:

Don’t know about you, but I would like to receive the quilts which look like some has cared enough to think about what they were doing rather than just thrown a heap of fabric together.

Fabric choice can make the difference between a useful quilt and a quilt which looks like whoever made it really cared about what they were doing.

To emphasis the importance of this caring she has written a great tutorial to demonstrate how important, but simple, it is to add contrast when choosing fabrics for the different block pieces / blocks in a quilt.

Visit Judy’s blog to read the full post about the importance of using contrast in quilt designs and learn some simple techniques to use in your own quilt making.

One Response

  1. Thank you, Jenny!
    Judy B

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